

Quick, easy, hassle-free registration.

Registration Process

In-Person Registration
Registration is available in our Admissions Office during normal business hours. Please remember to bring all of your documentation with you. The Admissions Office staff will assist you with enrolling and registering for classes.


Registration FAQ

Q. What are the documents I need for enrolling?
A. General enrollment documents include bringing a valid photo identification, social security card, and either your high school diploma, ged certificate, or an academic transcript ensuring completion of the 8th Grade (Reading and Math proficiency).

Q. Do I need to make a payment when registering?
A. No initial payments are required for registration. Initial payments however are due by the classes registration deadline and the final tuition is due as noted on the student calendar.

Q. Do I need to make an appointment?
A. Appointments are not required but we can accommodate an appointment request if you prefer. Please contact our Admissions Office at 915-751-3378 to setup an appointment.